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Jie-CHEN Professor Office: Room 509, 1st Experimental Building, South Campus, Tongji University Email: jie@tongji.edu.cn
Ph. D., 2012 National University of Singapore, Major: Physics Singapore
Thesis: Theoretical investigation on thermal properties of silicon based
Advisor: Professor Baowen Li
M. Sc., 2007 Nanjing University, Major: Acoustics China
Thesis: The study of elastic wave chaos in nonintegrable systems.
Advisor: Professor Jian-Chun Cheng
6/2015-present Professor, Tongji University
3/2013-5/2015 ETH Fellow, ETH Zurich
9/2011-2/2013 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, National University of Singapore
Course: Advances in Condensed Matter Physics (Spring semester)
Research interests: Nanoscale heat conduction, energy conversion, atomistic simulations
Web of Science Citations: >2100
H-index: 29
On-going Research Grant:
1. NSFC, Grant No.: 12075168.
2. Science and
Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality, Grant No.: 19ZR1478600.
Completed Research Grant:
1. NSFC, Grant No.: 51506153.
2. Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality, Grant No.: 17ZR1448000.
Selected Publications:
(†: equal contribution; *: corresponding author)
1. W. Ren, Y. Ouyang, P. Jiang, C. Yu, J. He, and J. Chen*, The Impact of Interlayer Rotation on Thermal Transport Across Graphene/Hexagonal Boron Nitride van der Waals Heterostructure, Nano Letters, 21, 2634−2641 (2021).
2. Z. Zhang, Y. Ouyang, Y.
Cheng, J. Chen*, N. Li*, and G.
Zhang*, Size-dependent phononic thermal transport in low-dimensional
nanomaterials, Physics Reports, 860, 1-26 (2020).
3. Z. Zhang, S. Hu, Q. Xi, T. Nakayama, S. Volz, J. Chen*, and B. Li, Tunable phonon nanocapacitor built by carbon schwarzite based host-guest system, Physical Review B, 101, 081402(R) (2020).
4. X. Xu, J. Zhou*, and J. Chen*, Thermal transport in conductive polymer-based materials, Advanced Functional Materials, 30, 1904704 (2020).
5. S. Hu, Z. Zhang, P. Jiang, W. Ren, C. Yu, J. Shiomi, and J. Chen*, Disorder limits the coherent phonon transport in two-dimensional phononic crystal structures, Nanoscale 11, 11839-11846 (2019).
6. Y. Ma†, Z. Zhang†, J.-G. Chen, K. Sääskilahti, S. Volz, and J. Chen*, Ordered water layer induced by interfacial charge decoration leads to an ultra-low Kapitza resistance between graphene and water, Carbon 135, 263-269 (2018).
7. X. Xu, J. Chen*, J. Zhou*, and B. Li, Thermal Conductivity of Polymers and Their Nanocomposites, Adv. Mater. 30, 1705544 (2018).
8. H. Wang†, S. Hu†, K. Takahashi, X. Zhang*, H. Takamatsu*, and J. Chen*, Experimental study of thermal rectification in suspended monolayer graphene, Nat. Commun. 8, 15843 (2017).
9. J. Chen*, J. H. Walther*, and P. Koumoutsakos*, Covalently Bonded Graphene-Carbon Nanotube Hybrid for High-Performance Thermal Interfaces. Adv. Funct. Mater. 25, 7539-7545 (2015).
10. J. Chen, J. H. Walther, and P. Koumoutsakos*, Strain engineering of Kapitza resistance in few-layer graphene. Nano Lett., 14, 819-825 (2014).
2013-2015 ETH Fellowship
2012 WFF Ph. D. Prize in Environmental and Sustainability Research
2010 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Student Abroad