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张晨波 特聘研究员博导 邮箱:cbzhang@tongji.edu.cn 联系方式:17511626686 |
主要研究铁电材料的晶格设计及巨热释电能量转换应用,功能材料单晶体生长等。论文发表在Physical Review Applied、Applied Physics Letters、Physical Review Materials等期刊。在研科研项目:
10. Huang, R., Zhu, Z., Geng, R., Chan, K.H., Chen, X., Zhang, C*. Grain size and lattice compatibility enhanced figure-of-merit in Ba0.95Ca0.05Ce0.005ZrxTi0.995−xO3 material for pyroelectric energy conversition. Applied Physics Letters, 2024, 124(1): 012901.
9. Zhang, C.*, Zhu, Z., Chan, K., Huang, R., Chen, X*. Enhanced functional reversibility in lead-free ferroelectric material over long cycle pyroelectric energy conversion. Physical Review Materials, 2023,7(6):064408.
8. W. Wang; J. Dong; Y. Xue*; C. Zhang*; N. Li; Q. Song; X. Cao; Q. Wang; X. Xu; H. Tang; H. Lin; D. Li; Z. Wang; J. Xu ; Influence of Na+, Ca2+ and R3+ (R = Y, Lu, Gd) co-doping on the spectroscopic properties of Pr3+:BaF2 single crystal, CrystEngComm, 2022, 24(42): 7412-7419.
7. C. Zhang; Z. Zeng; Z. Zhu; N. Tamura; X. Chen* ; Energy Conversion from Heat to Electricity by Highly Reversible Phase-Transforming Ferroelectrics, Physical Review Applied, 2021, 16(2): 024064.
6. C. Zhang; Z. Zhu; J. Y. Choi; J. Y. Kim; X. Chen* ; Low hysteresis and enhanced figure-of-merit of pyroelectric energy conversion at compatible phase transformation, Applied Physics Letters, 2021, 119(8): 082902.
5. C. Zhang; Z. Zeng; Z. Zhu; M. Karami; X. Chen* ; Impact of Leakage for Electricity Generation by Pyroelectric Converter, Physical Review Applied, 2020, 14(6): 064079.
4. Z. Zeng; H. Chiu; L. Zhao; T. Zhao; C. Zhang; M. Karami; H. Yu; S. Du; X. Chen* ; Dual beam-shear differential interference microscopy for full-field surface deformation gradient characterization, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2020, 145: 104162.
3. C. Zhang; Y. Song; M. Wegner; E. Quandt; X. Chen* ; Power-Source-Free Analysis of Pyroelectric Energy Conversion, Physical Review Applied, 2019, 12(1): 014063.
2. Z. Zeng; C. Zhang; S. Du; X. Chen* ; Quantitative surface topography of martensitic microstructure by differential interference contrast microscopy, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2019, 124: 102-114.
1. Y. Song; N. Tamura; C. Zhang; M. Karami; X. Chen* ; Data-driven approach for synchrotron X-ray Laue microdiffraction scan analysis, Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances, 2019, 75(6): 876-888.