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程传伟 教授博导 邮箱:cwcheng@tongji.edu.cn 联系方式:上海市四平路1239号金莎娱乐app下载官网 |
2000.09—2004.06 南京航空航天大学, 理学学士;
2004.09—2009.04 南京航空航天大学, 工学博士;2009.01-2011.06 新加坡南洋理工大学,物理与应用物理系,博士后;
2017.12-至今, 同济大学,金莎娱乐app下载官网,教授, 博士生导师
研究方向:先进纳米材料;能量存储与转换器件(光/电催化,燃料电池, 锂/钠电池等);原子层沉积技术及应用
1.Pan. Q., Li. A. S., Zhang. Y. L., Yang. Y. P., Cheng. C. W.*. Rational design of three-dimensional hierarchical ternary SnO2/TiO2/BiVO4 arrays photoanode towards efficient photoelectrochemical performance. Adv. Sci,2020,6, 1902235.
2. Pan. Q., Zhang. H. F., Yang. Y. P., Cheng. W. W.* Three-dimensional brochosomes like TiO2/WO3/BiVO4 arrays as photoanode for photoelectrochemical hydrogen production. Small, 2019, 1900924.
3. Guan. C.*, Liu. X. M, Ren. W. N., Li. X., Cheng. C. W.*, Wang. J.*, Rational design of metal organic framework derived hollow NiCo2O4 arrays for flexible supercapacitor and electrocatalysis. Adv. Energy. Mater., 2017, 10, 1602391.
4. Zhang. H. F., Zhou. W. W, Yang. Y. P, Cheng. C. W.* Three dimensional WO3/BiVO4/cobalt phosphate composites inverse opal photoanode for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting. Small, 2017, 13,1603840.
5. Guan. C.*, Sumboja. A., Wu. H. J., Ren. W. N, Zhang. X. M., Zhang. H., Liu. Z. L.*, Cheng. C. W.*, Pennycook. S. J., Wang. J.* Hollow Co3O4 Nanosphere Embedded in Carbon Arrays for Stable and Flexible Solid-State Zinc-Air Batteries. Adv. Mater., 2017, 29, 1704117.
6. Ren. W. N., Zhang. H. F., Guan. C.*, Cheng. C. W.* Ultrathin MoS2 nanosheets@metal organic framework-derived N-doped carbon nanowall arrays as sodium ion batteries anode with superior cycling life and rate capability. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2017, 27, 1702116.
7. Zhang. H. F., Cheng. C. W.* Three-dimensional FTO/TiO2/BiVO4 composite inverse opals photoanode with excellent photoelectrochemical performance. ACS Energy Lett., 2017, 2, 813-821.
8. Cheng. C. W*., Ren. W. N., Zhang. H. F. 3D TiO2/SnO2 hierarchically branched nanowires on transparent FTO substrate as photoanode for efficient water splitting. Nano Energy 2014, 5,132-138.
9. Kong. D. Z., Luo. J. S., Wang. Y. L., Ren. W. N., Yu. T., Luo. Y. S., Yang. Y. P., Cheng. C. W.* Three-dimensional Co3O4@MnO2 hierarchical nanoneedle arrays: Morphology control and electrochemical energy storage. Adv. Func. Mater., 2014, 24, 3815–3826.
10. Cheng. C. W.,* Zhang. H. F., Ren. W. N., Dong. W. J., Sun. Y.,Three dimensional urchin-like ordered hollow TiO2/ZnO nanorods structure as efficient photoelectrochemical anode.Nano Energy 2013, 2, 79-86.
11. Cheng.C. W., Fan. H. J., Branched nanowires: synthesis and energy applications. Nano Today 2012, 7, 327-343.(Invited Review)
12. Cheng. C. W., Siva. K. K., Liu. L. J. et al.Quantum dots sensitizedTiO2 inverse opal for photoelectrochemical hydrogen generation. Small 2012,8, 37-42.(卷首页亮点文章)
13. Cheng. C. W., Liu. B., Yang, H. Y.,et al.Hierarchical assembly of ZnO nanostructures on SnO2 backbone nanowires:low-temperature hydrothermal preparation and optical properties. ACS Nano 2009,3, 3069-3076.(封面)