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陈杰 长聘教授博导 邮箱:jie@tongji.edu.cn 联系方式:上海市杨浦区赤峰路67号第一实验楼509室 |
2007 - 2011,新加坡国立大学,物理学,博士
2005 - 2007,南京大学,声学,硕士2001 - 2005,南京大学,声学,学士
2021 - 至今, 同济大学,金莎娱乐app下载官网,副院长(科研)
2018 - 至今, 同济大学,金莎娱乐app下载官网,长聘教授
2015 - 2017,同济大学,金莎娱乐app下载官网,“领航计划”特聘研究员2011 - 2013,新加坡国立大学,物理系,博士后
1. 国家自然科学基金(面上项目),批准号:12075168, 2021-2024,主持。
2. 国家自然科学基金重大项目,批准号:11890703, 2019-2023,参与。
2. 上海市自然科学基金(探索类),批准号:17ZR1448000, 2017-2020,主持。
3. 上海市自然科学基金(探索类),批准号:19ZR1478600, 2019-2022,主持。
4. 国家重点研发计划,批准号:2017YFB0406004, 2017-2021,参与。
Vebleo Fellow (2022)
瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院 ETH Fellow (2013-2015)
美国物理学会会员Web of Science:https://webofscience.clarivate.cn/wos/author/record/317061
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4599-3600
Google Scholar:https://scholar.google.ch/citations?user=rQ_iitwAAAAJ&hl=en代表性论文(†同等贡献, *通讯作者)
43. W. Ren, S. Lu, C. Yu, J. He, Z. Zhang, J. Chen*, and G. Zhang*, The Impact of Moiré Superlattice on Atomic Stress and Thermal Transport in van der Waals Heterostructures, Applied Physics Reviews, 10, 041404 (2023). (Featured Article)
42. J. Jiang, S. Lu, and J. Chen*, Phonon focusing effect in an atomic level triangular structure, Chinese Physics Letters, 40, 096301 (2023).
41. W. Ren, S. Lu, C. Yu, J. He, and J. Chen*, Carbon honeycomb structure with high axial thermal transport and strong robustness, Rare Metals, 42, 2679–2687 (2023).
40. C. Yu, S. Shan, S. Lu, Z. Zhang*, and J. Chen*, Characteristics of distinct thermal transport behaviors in single-layer and multilayer graphene, Physical Review B, 107, 165424 (2023).
39. Z. Zhang, Y. Guo, M. Bescond, M. Nomura, S. Volz*, and J. Chen*, Assessing phonon coherence using spectroscopy, Physical Review B, 107, 155426 (2023).
38. J. Chen*, X. Xu*, J. Zhou*, and B. Li*, Interfacial thermal resistance: Past, present, and future, Reviews of Modern Physics, 94, 025002 (2022). (ESI Hot Paper & ESI Highly Cited Paper)
37. Z. Zhang*, Y. Guo, M. Bescond, J. Chen*, M. Nomura, and S. Volz*, Heat Conduction Theory Including Phonon Coherence, Physical Review Letters, 128, 015901 (2022). (ESI Highly Cited Paper)
36. J. Chen, J. He, D. Pan, X. Wang, N. Yang, J. Zhu, S. A. Yang, and G. Zhang*, Emerging theory and phenomena in thermal conduction: A selective review, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 65, 117002 (2022). (ESI Highly Cited Paper)
35. Z. Zhang*, Y. Guo, M. Bescond, J. Chen*, M. Nomura, and S. Volz*, How coherence is governing diffuson heat transfer in amorphous solids, npj Computational Materials, 8, 96 (2022).
34. W. Ren, J. Chen*, and G. Zhang*, Phonon physics in twisted two-dimensional materials, Applied Physics Letters, 121, 140501 (2022). (Editor's Pick)
33. J. He, Y. Hu, D. Li, and J. Chen*, Ultra-low lattice thermal conductivity and promising thermoelectric figure of merit in borophene via chlorination, Nano Research, 15, 3804−3811 (2022).
32. S. Lu, W. Ren, J. He, C. Yu, P. Jiang, and J. Chen*, Enhancement of the lattice thermal conductivity of two-dimensional functionalized MXenes by inversion symmetry breaking, Physical Review B, 105, 165301 (2022).
31. Y. Ouyang, C. Yu, J. He, P. Jiang, W. Ren, and J. Chen*, Accurate description of high-order phonon anharmonicity and lattice thermal conductivity from molecular dynamics simulations with machine learning potential, Physical Review B, 105, 115202 (2022). (ESI Highly Cited Paper)
30. C. Yu†, Y. Hu†, J. He, S. Lu, D. Li*, and J. Chen*, Strong four-phonon scattering in monolayer and hydrogenated bilayer BAs with horizontal mirror symmetry, Applied Physics Letters, 120, 132201 (2022). (ESI Highly Cited Paper)
29. W. Ren, Y. Ouyang, P. Jiang, C. Yu, J. He, and J. Chen*, The Impact of Interlayer Rotation on Thermal Transport Across Graphene/Hexagonal Boron Nitride van der Waals Heterostructure, Nano Letters, 21, 2634−2641 (2021). (ESI Highly Cited Paper)
28. Y. Ouyang†, C. Yu†, G. Yan*, and J. Chen*, Machine learning approach for the prediction and optimization of thermal transport properties, Frontiers of Physics, 16, 43200 (2021).
27. P. Jiang, Y. Ouyang, W. Ren, C. Yu, J. He, and J. Chen*, Total-transmission and total-reflection of individual phonons in phononic crystal nanostructures, APL Materials, 9, 040703 (2021).
26. C. Yu, Y. Ouyang, and J. Chen*, A perspective on the hydrodynamic phonon transport in two-dimensional materials, Journal of Applied Physics, 130, 010902 (2021).
25. Z. Zhang, Y. Guo, M. Bescond, J. Chen*, M. Nomura*, and S. Volz*, Generalized decay law for particlelike and wavelike thermal phonons, Physical Review B, 103, 184307 (2021).
24. Z. Zhang, Y. Ouyang, Y. Cheng, J. Chen*, N. Li*, and G. Zhang*, Size-dependent phononic thermal transport in low-dimensional nanomaterials, Physics Reports, 860, 1-26 (2020). (ESI Hot Paper & ESI Highly Cited Paper)
23. Z. Zhang, Y. Ouyang, Y. Guo, T.
Nakayama, M. Nomura, S. Volz*, and J.
Chen*, Hydrodynamic phonon transport in bulk crystalline polymers, Physical Review B, 102, 195302 (2020).
22. Z. Zhang, S. Hu, Q. Xi, T. Nakayama, S. Volz, J. Chen*, and B. Li, Tunable phonon nanocapacitor built by carbon schwarzite based host-guest system, Physical Review B, 101, 081402(R) (2020).
21. P. Jiang, S. Hu, Y. Ouyang, W. Ren, C. Yu, Z. Zhang, and J. Chen*, Remarkable thermal rectification in pristine and symmetric monolayer graphene enabled by asymmetric thermal contact, Journal of Applied Physics, 127, 235101 (2020).
20. Y. Ouyang, Z. Zhang, C. Yu, J. He, G. Yan, and J. Chen*, Accuracy of Machine Learning Potential for Predictions of Multiple-Target Physical Properties, Chinese Physics Letters, 37, 126301 (2020). (Editor’s Suggestion)
19. X. Xu, J. Zhou*, J. Chen*, Thermal Transport in Conductive Polymer-Based Materials, Adv. Funct. Mater., 30, 1904704 (2020).
18. Y. Ouyang, Z. Zhang, Q. Xi, P. Jiang, W. Ren, N. Li, J. Zhou, and J. Chen*, Effect of boundary chain folding on thermal conductivity of lamellar amorphous polyethylene, RSC Advances, 9, 33549–33557 (2019).
17. S. Hu, Z. Zhang, P. Jiang, W. Ren, C. Yu, J. Shiomi, and J. Chen*, Disorder limits the coherent phonon transport in two-dimensional phononic crystal structures, Nanoscale, 11, 11839-11846 (2019).
16. Y. Ouyang, Z. Zhang, D. Li, J. Chen*, and G. Zhang*, Emerging Theory, Materials, and Screening Methods: New Opportunities for Promoting Thermoelectric Performance, Annalen Der Physik, 531, 1800437 (2019).
15. S. Hu†, Z. Zhang†, P. Jiang, J. Chen*, S. Volz*, M. Nomura, and B. Li*, Randomness-Induced Phonon Localization in Graphene Heat Conduction, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 9, 3959-3968 (2018).
14. Z. Zhang, S. Hu, T. Nakayama, J. Chen*, and B. Li, Reducing lattice thermal conductivity in schwarzites via engineering the hybridized phonon modes, Carbon, 139, 289-298 (2018).12. X. Xu, J. Chen*, J. Zhou*, and B. Li, Thermal Conductivity of Polymers and Their Nanocomposites, Adv. Mater., 30, 1705544 (2018). (ESI Highly Cited Paper)
11. Z. Zhang, J. Chen*, and B. Li*, Negative Gaussian curvature induces significant suppression of thermal conduction in carbon crystals, Nanoscale, 9, 14208-14214 (2017).
10. H. Wang†, S. Hu†, K. Takahashi, X. Zhang*, H. Takamatsu*, and J. Chen*, Experimental study of thermal rectification in suspended monolayer graphene, Nat. Commun., 8, 15843 (2017). (ESI Highly Cited Paper)8. S. Hu, J. Chen*, N. Yang, and B. Li*, Thermal transport in graphene with defect and doping: Phonon modes analysis. Carbon 116, 139-144 (2017).
7. J. Chen*, J. H. Walther*, and P. Koumoutsakos*, Covalently bonded graphene-carbon nanotube hybrid for high-performance thermal interfaces. Adv. Funct. Mater., 25, 7539 (2015).
6. D. Alexeev†, J. Chen†, J. H. Walther, K. P. Giapis, P. Angelikopoulos, and P. Koumoutsakos*, Kapitza resistance between few-layer graphene and water: Liquid layering effects. Nano Lett., 15, 5744 (2015).Prior 2015
5. J. Chen, J. H. Walther, and P. Koumoutsakos*, Strain engineering of Kapitza resistance in few-layer graphene. Nano Lett., 14, 819 (2014).
4. J. Chen*, G. Zhang*, and B. Li*, Substrate coupling suppresses size dependence of thermal conductivity in supported graphene. Nanoscale, 5, 532 (2013).