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江涛 教授博导 邮箱:tjiang@tongji.edu.cn 联系方式: |
2010年09月 - 2015年06月,复旦大学物理系,凝聚态物理博士
2006年09月 - 2010年07月,华东师范大学物理系,物理学学士
2023年11月 - 至今,上海自主智能无人系统科学中心,教授
2020年12月 – 至今,金莎娱乐app下载官网,青百A岗教授
2016年06月 - 2019年12月,美国科罗拉多博尔德分校物理系,博士后
2015年06月 - 2016年05月,复旦大学物理系,科研助理
上海市青联委员、上海市青科协会员,入选国家海外高层次人才计划青年项目、上海市青年五四奖章个人、 上海科技青年35人引领计划和上海市浦江人才计划,主要从事低维微纳结构的非线性光学及光电器件的性能表征与机制研究。承担国家自然科学基金等科研项目,在Nature Nanotechnology、Nature Photonics、Advanced Materials等期刊发表文章二十余篇。担任中国激光杂志社青年编委会委员。相关工作入选2018年中国光学十大进展(基础研究类)。
1. Zeng, X.#, Wan, C.#, Zhao, Z., Huang, D.*, Wang, Z., Cheng, X., Jiang, T.*, Nonlinear optics of two-dimensional heterostructures. Front. Phys. 19(3), 33301 (2024). (#Contributed equally).
2. Zhou, Z.#, Song, R.#, Xu, J.#, Ni, X., Dang, Z., Zhao, Z., Quan, J., Dong, S., Hu, W., Huang, D., Chen, K.*, Wang, Z., Cheng, X., Raschke, M. B.*, Alù, A.*, Jiang, T.*, Gate-Tuning Hybrid Polaritons in Twisted α-MoO3/Graphene Heterostructures. Nano Letters (2023). (#Contributed equally).
3. Chen, Y., Yu, S.*, Jiang, T., Liu, X., Cheng, X., Huang, D.*, Optical two-dimensional coherent spectroscopy of excitons in transition-metal dichalcogenides. Frontiers of Physics 19 23301 (2024).
4. Wenjin Luo, Benjamin G. Whetten, Vasily Kravtsov, Ashutosh Singh, Yibo Yang, Di Huang, Xinbin Cheng, Tao Jiang*, Alexey Belyanin*, and Markus B. Raschke*, Ultrafast Nanoimaging of Electronic Coherence of Monolayer WSe2, Nano Letters23(5), 1767-1773 (2023).
5.Di Huang,Tao. Jiang, Yangfan Yi, Yuwei Shan, Yingguo Li, Zhihong Zhang, Kaihui Liu, Wei-Tao Liu, and Shiwei Wu*, Selective excitation of four-wave mixing by helicity in gated graphene,Opt. Lett.47, 234-237 (2022).
6.F. Menges*, H. Yang, S. Berweger, A. Roy,T. Jiang, M. B. Raschke*, Substrate-enhanced photothermal nanoimaging of surface polaritons in monolayer graphene,APL Photonics6, 041301 (2021).
7.Y. Hu, S. J. Teat, W. Gong, Z. Zhou, Y. Jin, H. Chen, J. Wu, Y. Cui,T. Jiang, X. Cheng, W. Zhang*, Single Crystals of Mechanically Entwined Helical Covalent Polymers,Nature Chemistry13, 660-665 (2021).
8.M. A. May#,T. Jiang#, C. Du, K. D. Park, X. Xu, A. Belyanin*, M. B. Raschke*, Nanocavity Clock Spectroscopy: Resolving Competing Exciton Dynamics in WSe2/MoSe2 Heterobilayers,Nano Letters21, 522-528 (2021). (#Contributed equally).
9.T. Jiang, V. Kravtsov, M. Tokman, A. Belyanin*, M. B. Raschke*, Ultrafast coherent nonlinear nanooptics and nanoimaging of graphene,Nature Nanotechnology14, 838-843 (2019).
10.J. X. Cheng,D. Huang,T. Jiang,Y. W. Shan,Y. G. Li, S. W. Wu, W. T. Liu*, Chiral selection rules for multi-photon processes in two-dimensional honeycomb materials,Opt. Lett.44(9), 2141-2144 (2019).
11.Y. Zhang, D. Huang, Y. W. Shan,T. Jiang, Z. H. Zhang, K. H. Liu, L. Shi, J. L. Cheng, J. E. Sipe, W. T. Liu*, S. W. Wu*, Doping-induced second harmonic generation in centrosymmetric graphene from quadrupole response,Physical Review Letters122,047401 (2019).
12.D. Huang#,T. Jiang#, Y. Zhang, Y. W. Shan, X. D. Fan, Z. H. Zhang, Y. Y. Dai, L. Shi, K. H. Liu, C. G. Zeng, J. Zi, W. T. Liu*, S. W. Wu*, Gate Switching of Ultrafast Photoluminescence in Graphene,Nano Letters18, 7985–7990 (2018). (#Contributed equally)
13.T. Jiang#, D. Huang#, J. L. Cheng, X. D. Fan, Z. H. Zhang, Y. W. Shan, Y. F. Yi, Y. Y. Dai, L. Shi, K. H. Liu, C. G. Zeng, J. Zi, J. E. Sipe, Y. R. Shen, W. T. Liu*, S. W. Wu*, Gate-tunable third-order nonlinear optical response of massless Dirac fermions in graphene,Nature Photonics12, 430-436 (2018). (#Contributed equally)
14.T. Jiang#, H. Hong#, C. Liu, W. T. Liu, K. H. Liu*, S. W. Wu*, Probing Phonon Dynamics in Individual Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes,Nano Letters18, 2590 (2018).
15.Y. Y. Dai, Y. Y. Xia,T. Jiang, A. Chen, Y. W. Zhang, Y. J. Bai, G. Q. Du, F. Guan, S. W. Wu, X. H. Liu*, L. Shi*, J. Zi*, Dynamical Tuning of Graphene Plasmonic Resonances by Ultraviolet Illuminations,Adv. Optical Mater.6, 1701081 (2018).
16.K. D. Park,T. Jiang, G. Clark, X. Xu, M. B. Raschke*, Radiative control of dark excitons at room temperature by nano-optical antenna-tip Purcell effect,Nature Nanotechnology13, 59–64 (2018).
17.N. Guo*, W. D. Hu*,T. Jiang, F. Gong, W. J. Luo, W. C. Qiu, P. Wang, L. Liu, S. W. Wu, L. Liao, X. S. Chen, and W. Lu, High-quality infrared imaging with graphene photodetectors at room temperature,Nanoscale8, 16065 (2016).
18.J. X. Cheng#,T. Jiang#, Q. Q. Ji, Y. Zhang, Z. M. Li, Y. W. Shan, Y. F. Zhang, X. G. Gong, W. T. Liu, S. W. Wu*, Kinetic Nature of Grain Boundary Formation in As-grown MoS2Monolayers,Adv. Mater.27, 4069–4074 (2015). (#Contributed equally)
19.B. Kong, J. Tang, Y. Y. Zhang,T. Jiang, X. G. Gong, C. X. Peng, J. Wei, J. P. Yang, Y. C. Wang, X. B. Wang, G. F. Zheng*, C. Selomulya*, D. Y. Zhao*, Incorporation of well-dispersed sub-5-nm graphitic pencil nanodots into ordered mesoporous frameworks,Nature Chemistry8, 171–178 (2016).
20.T. Jiang, H. R. Liu, D. Huang, S. Zhang, Y. G. Li, X. G. Gong*, Y. R. Shen, W. T. Liu*, S. W. Wu*, Valley and band structure engineering of folded MoS2bilayers.Nature Nanotechnology9, 825-829 (2014).
21.J. S. Miao, W. D. Hu*, N. Guo, Z. Y. Lu, X. Q. Liu, L. Liao*, P. P. Chen,T. Jiang, S. W. Wu, J. C. Ho, L. Wang, X. S. Chen, W. Lu,High-Responsivity Graphene/InAs Nanowire Heterojunction Near-Infrared Photodetectors with Distinct Photocurrent On/Off Ratios,Small, DOI: 10.1002/smll.201402312 (2014).
22.N. Guo, W. D. Hu*, L. Liao*, S. P. Yip, J. C. Ho, J. S. Miao, Z. Zhang, J. Zou,T. Jiang, S. W. Wu, X. S. Chen, W. Lu*,Anomalous and Highly Efficient InAs Nanowire Phototransistors Based on Majority Carrier Transport at Room Temperature,Advanced Materials, DOI: 10.1002/adma.201403664 (2014).