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樊维佳 副教授博导 邮箱:fanwj@tongji.edu.cn |
2013.12, 英国约克大学物理系,博士
1. S. J. Xu, J. Y. Shi, Y. S. Hou, Z. Zheng, H. B. Zhao, R. Q. Wu, S. M. Zhou, Z. Shi, and W. J. Fan*, Tuning of the intrinsic magnetic damping parameter in epitaxial CoNi (001) films: Role of the band-filling effect, Phys. Rev. B, 100, 024403 (2019).
2. Weijia Fan, Jie Zhao, Meng Tang, Huanjian Chen, Huanglin Yang, Weiming Lü, Zhong Shi, and Xuepeng Qiu*, Asymmetric Spin-Orbit-Torque-Induced Magnetization Switching With a Noncollinear In-Plane Assisting Magnetic Field, Phys. Rev. Appl., 11, 034018 (2019).
3. L. L. Lang, S. M. Zhou, W. J. Fan*, and X. P. Qiu*, Anomalous Hall magnetoresistance in metastable antiferromagnetic FeMn, AIP Advances, 8, 125220 (2018).
4. Xuepeng Qiu*, Zhong Shi, Weijia Fan, Shiming Zhou, and Hyunsoo Yang*, Characterization and Manipulation of Spin Orbit Turque in Magnetic Heterostructures, Adv. Mater. 30, 1705699 (2018).
5. T. J. Huisman*, R. V. Mikhaylovskiy, Th. Rasing, and A. V. Kimel, A. Tsukamoto, B. de Ronde, L. Ma, W. J. Fan, and S. M. Zhou, Sub-100-ps dynamics of the anomalous Hall effect at terahertz frequencies, Phys. Rev. B, 95, 094418 (2017).
6. W. J. Fan, L. Ma, and S. M. Zhou*, Sign change of skew scattering induced anomalous Hall conductivity in epitaxial NiCo (002) films: band filling effect, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys, 48, 195004 (2015).
7. W. J. Fan, Z. Shi, F. L. Chen, and S. M. Zhou*, Tuning effects of Spin-Orbit Coupling in L10 Ordered and Disordered FePdPt Films, Spin, 5, 1530004 (2015).
8. Fan Wei-Jia, Ma Li, Shi Zhong, and Zhou Shi-Ming*, Fabrication and magnetocrystalline anisotropy of NiCo (002) films, Chin. Phys. B, 24, 037507 (2015).
9. L. Ma, S. F. Li, P. He, W. J. Fan*, X. G. Xu, Y. Jiang, T. S. Lai*, F. L. Chen, and S. M. Zhou, Tunable magnetization dynamics in disordered FePdPt ternary alloys: Effects of spin orbit coupling, J. Appl. Phys. 116, 113908 (2014).
10. R. F. L. Evans*, and W. J. Fan*, Atomistic simulation of sub-nanosecond non-equilibrium field cooling processes for magnetic data storage applications, Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 192405 (2014).
11. W. J. Fan*, R. F. L. Evans, Y. Hancock, and R. W. Chantrell, Control of the exchange coupling in granular CoPt/Co recording media, J. Appl. Phys. 109, 07B752 (2011).
12. W. J. Fan, X. P. Qiu, Z. Shi, S. M. Zhou*, Z. H. Cheng*, Correlation between isotropic ferromagnetic resonance field shift and rotatable anisotropy in polycrystalline NiFe/FeMn bilayers, Thin Solid Films, 518, 2175-2178 (2010).