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王旭 副教授博导 邮箱:xuwang@tongji.edu.cn 联系方式: 上海市四平路1239号 同济大学 声学馆202室 |
Theoretical, numerical and experimental investigations on low-frequency board-band noise control in ventilation systems based on periodic and quasi-periodic Helmholtz resonators array,Research Grants Council of Hong Kong,共同主持
(Review) X. Wang, R. Dong, Y. Li*, and Y. Jing*, Non-local and non-hermitian acoustic metasurfaces, Rep. Prog. Phys. 86, 116501 (2023).
Q. Li, R. Dong, D. Mao, X. Wang*, Y. Li*, A Compact Broadband Absorber Based on Helical Metasurfaces, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 254, 108425 (2023).
X. Fang, N. Wang, W. Wu*, W. Wang, X. Yin, X. Wang*, Y. Li*, Extreme Wave Manipulation via Non-Hermitian Metagratings on Degenerated
States, Physical Review Applied 19, 054003 (2023).
Z. Zhou, B. Jia, N. Wang, X. Wang*, Y. Li*, Observation of Perfectly-Chiral Exceptional Point via Bound State in the Continuum, Physical Review Letters 130, 116101 (2023).
(Editors' Suggestion) Y. Zhu, R. Dong, D. Mao*, X. Wang*, Y. Li*, Nonlocal Ventilating Metasurfaces, Physical Review Applied 19, 014067 (2022).
C. Baydur, X. Wang, and D. Mao*, The acoustics program at the Institute of Acoustics, Tongji University, China, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 152, 1058–1067 (2022)
X. Fang, N. Gerard, Z. Zhou, H. Ding, N. Wang, B. Jia, Y. Deng, X. Wang*, Y. Jing*, and Y. Li*, Observation of higher-order exceptional points in a non-local acoustic metagrating, Communication Physics 4, 271(2021).
R. Dong, D. Mao, Y. Zhu, F. Mo, X. Wang* and Y. Li*, A ventilating acoustic barrier for attenuating broadband diffuse sound, Applied Physics Letters119, 263505 (2021).
(Review) R. Dong, M. Sun, F. Mo, D. Mao, X. Wang*, and Y. Li*, Recent advances in acoustic ventilation barriers, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54, 403002 (2021).
R. Dong, D. Mao, X. Wang*, and Y. Li*, Ultrabroadband Acoustic Ventilation Barriers via Hybrid-Functional Metasurfaces, Physical Review Applied 15, 024044 (2021).
S. Huang, T. Liu, Z. Zhou, X. Wang*, J. Zhu*, and Y. Li*, Extreme sound confinement from quasibound states in the continuum, Physical Review Applied 14, 021001 (2020).
M. Sun, X. Fang, D. Mao*, X. Wang*, and Y. Li*, Broadband acoustic ventilation barriers, Physical Review Applied 13, 044028 (2020).
S. Huang, Z. Zhou, D. Li, T. Liu, X. Wang*, J. Zhu* and Y. Li*, Compact broadband acoustic sink with coherently coupled weak resonances, Science Bulletin 65, 373-379 (2020).
X. Wang, X. Fang, D. Mao, Y. Jing*, and Y. Li*, Extremely asymmetrical acoustic metasurface mirror at the exceptional point, Physical Review Letters 123, 214302 (2019).
X. Fang, X. Wang*, and Y. Li*, Acoustic splitting and bending with compact coding metasurfaces, Physical Review Applied 11, 064033 (2019).
Y. Xiao, H. Lai, Q. Li, XN. Wang, and X. Wang*, Improved interference-type sound barriers: Use of hyperbolic phase modulation, Applied Acoustics 161, 107186 (2020).
W. Zhao, Z. X. Jiang, X. Wang*, and D. Mao*, Characteristics of fine-scale turbulence noise evaluated by modal analysis, Applied Acoustics, 160, 107145 (2020).
X. Wang, W. Yu, Z. Jiang, X. Wang*, and D. Mao*, Acoustic gradient surfaces and gradient-index surfaces: Principles and applications on noise control, Applied Acoustics 143, 151-156 (2019).
S. J. Qiu, S. Li, X. Wang*, and D. Mao*, Enhanced transmission loss through lattice-supported micro-membranes, Applied Acoustics 153, 127-131 (2019).
S. B. Huang, X. S. Fang, X. Wang, B. Assouar, Q. Cheng*, and Y. Li*, Acoustic perfect absorbers via spiral metasurfaces with embedded apertures, Applied Physics Letter 113, 233501 (2018).
S. Li, D. Mao*, S. Huang, X. Wang*,Enhanced transmission loss in acoustic materials with micro-membranes, Applied Acoustics 130, 92-98(2017).
S. Huang,S. Li, X. Wang*,Dongxing Mao*,Micro-perforated absorbers with incompletely partitioned cavities,Applied Acoustics 126, 114-119(2017).
X. Wang, W. Yu, X. Zhu, Z. Jiang, and D. Mao*, Effects of ceiling phase gradients on the acoustic environment on roadside balconies, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 141, EL146-EL152 (2017).
X. Wang, D. Mao*, and Y. Li*, Broadband acoustic skin cloak based on spiral metasurfaces, Scientific Reports 7, 11604(2017).
X. Wang, XN. Wang, W. Yu, Z. Jiang, and D. Mao*, Acoustic performance of boundaries having constant phase gradient, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 140, EL7-EL13 (2016).
X. Wang, XN. Wang, W. Yu, Z. Jiang, and D. Mao*, A theoretical model of barriers having inhomogeneous impedance surfaces, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 139, EL63-69(2016).
W. Yu, X. Wang, R. Wu, J. Yu, Z. Jiang*, D. Mao, Wave propagation in a waveguide with continuous right-angled corners: Numerical simulations and experiment measurements, Applied Acoustics 104, 6-15 (2016).
X. Wang, D. Mao*, W. Yu, and Z. Jiang, Sound barriers from materials of inhomogeneous impedance, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 137, 1-8 (2015).
X. Wang, D Mao*, W. Yu, and Z. Jiang, Acoustic performance of balconies having inhomogeneous ceiling surfaces on a roadside building facade, Building and Environment 93, 1-8 (2015).
X. Wang and C.M. Mak*, Disorder in a periodic Helmholtz resonators array, Applied Acoustics 82: 1-5(2014).
C.M. Mak*, X Wang and Z. Ai, Prediction of flow noise from in-duct spoilers using Computational Fluid Dynamics, Applied Acoustics 76, 386-390(2014).
X. Wang and C.M. Mak*,Acoustic performance of a duct loaded with identical resonators,Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 131, EL316-EL322(2012).
X. Wang and C.M. Mak*, Wave propagation in a duct with a periodic Helmholtz resonators array, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 131, 1172~1182(2012).